Let's Talk About It

We promise to be real, tell good stories, and make sure you walk away with some new tricks up your sleeve.

Tina standing in front of a brick wall
Mindfulness Hack #17: Love the One You're With (even when you don't feel like it)
January 24, 2019
Mindfulness Hack #17: Love the One You're With (even when you don't feel like it)
We are in relationship with everything and everyone around us, like it or not. Whatever the situation, we get to master the moment.
In Suicide's Aftermath
October 24, 2018
In Suicide's Aftermath
You matter. We matter. And we are nothing without each other.
How to be Loud. And Heard.
March 28, 2018
How to be Loud. And Heard.
Youth have played a critical role in activism for decades. If you are young and on a mission, then this blog is for you.
Confessions from the Classroom
March 8, 2018
Confessions from the Classroom
I used to pride myself on being strict. I always told myself (and sometimes my students!) that I wasn’t there to be a friend.